Juice Cleanse Info

A juice cleanse is a short term, fresh, raw, all liquid diet that is used to assist one in achieving their wellness goals. You might have heard the term “juice fast.” A fast implies you’re starving your body, which shouldn't ever be the goal. A juice cleanse means you will receive plenty living vitamins, minerals, and enzymes all from fresh, raw, fruit and vegetable juice.
The juice cleanse gives your digestive system—including filtering organs like the kidney, liver, and gall bladder—a break from processing heavy proteins, fat, and other components of your diet that take a lot of work to sort out, giving you simply good, clean energy to work with. Toxins in the tissues are able to mobilize and be flushed from the body.
After a juice cleanse, especially a 3-day, you should feel energized, focused and balanced. You may notice you sleep better and crave better foods.
Why Should I Cleanse?
People seek cleanses from our juice bar for a variety of reasons, from kick starting a new diet or exercise regime to reducing inflammation or soothing a sluggish digestive tract. We look at juicing and juice cleanses as more of a lifestyle change. When you begin to juice you take time to realize there may be other areas in your life you need to address. Possibly avoiding processed foods, limiting caffeine, reducing your stress level, forgiving, or laughing more. There are many components that make up our total wellness and enhancing certain areas of our lives can make dramatic impacts now and in the future. Juice cleanses are a powerful way to reboot your system and help get you on the road to wellness.
Here are some tips for you to maximize the benefits of your Zoe Juice Cleanse.
PRE-CLEANSE (3 days before)
HYDRATE: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
REDUCE: Refined sugars, wheat, alcohol, processed foods, meat, and dairy.
ADD: Fresh fruits and vegetables
START: Begin your day with a glass of water with lemon.
TIMES: Drink your six juices per day in two-hour increments.
WATER: Drink several glasses of water during the day.
Day 1: Add in fruits, greens, 8 glasses of water
Day 2: Add in nuts and gluten free grains
Day 3: Add in meat and fish
Our Cold Pressed Juices
The juice cleanse consists of the following six raw juices per day.
2 Evergreen (greens)
2 Replenish (greens)
1 Pure Joy (roots)
1 Pineapple Fusion (citrus)
*statements on this page and website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Raw juice and smoothies are a food product and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure of prevent any disease.